King of Woolworths / Ming Star
Album: Ming Star   Collection:General
Artist:King of Woolworths   Added:Jul 2002
Label:Mantra/Beggers Banquet  

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 16, 2009: The DJ Never Has It
2. Apr 04, 2004: Ghost and the machine - Tom Kelly + BTTB Special #16

Album Review
Jack Wang
Reviewed 2002-08-06
Kings of Woolworths: Ming Star Label: Mantra Recordings

I found this CD to be rather dull. Collectively, the songs on this CD more or less feature the same melodic style - lots of layered synths
reverberating over a simple melodic idea. That's about it. The tracks are pretty unoriginal. I guess if you want to try something, try: 4,9.

1. simple melodic theme built up with progressively louder percussion and various synths/guitar layers
2. mellow ethereal trip-pop - vibraphones, heavily layered synths
3. reverberating synth melodies
4. electronicized conversation followed by aggressive electronics & distortions, ends w/ more robo-vocals
5. analog acid tweaking over big huge epic breakbeats
6. more analog tweaks over dubby break-y pop beats w/ cheesy samples
7. lots of lush synthesizers w/ dubby bass-line
8. tinkly vibraphones w/ lush tropic synth mellowness & dubby bass
9. mellow trip-hop w/ lots of reverberating synths layered
10. super-chill reverberating synths - not much beats

Track Listing
1. Kentish Town   6. To the Devil
2. Bakerloo   7. Kite Hill
3. Where Flees Hide   8. The Watchmakers Hands
4. Stalker Song   9. Theydon
5. Colcannon   10. Bakerloo