Still Life / Limitations Boundaries and Fai
Album: Limitations Boundaries and Fai   Collection:General
Artist:Still Life   Added:Oct 2002
Label:Greyday Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-01-13 Pull Date: 2003-03-17 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Mar 9 Jan 26
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 05, 2003: Sub for "Subterranean Giraffe"
No One is Free
2. Jan 22, 2003: The Subterranean Giraffe

Album Review
Kareem (a.k.a. Milo)
Reviewed 2003-01-04
This is sort of hardcore that verges at points on thrash. The metal and hardcore gurus probably know better, but that’s the basic sound. Vocals are shouted in an incomprehensible voice and the guitars have a messy So. Cal “punk” sound. Tracks 2 and 4 throw in some definite curve balls though. The whole EP is just over 20 minutes. Somewhat dark lyrics, though the first track has a political bent to it. Each track loosely flows from the one before it.

1.Basically what I described above.
2.Opens with an out-of-tune violin and some deep voice saying random things. Continues that way with some xylophone stuff.
3.Blips and sound for 30 secs, then cuts in with the guitars. Slower than the first track, but has a similarly desperate feel.
4.Starts out with the violin, then some acoustic guitar. There are some vocal snippets layered over at first, then the singing begins. Much different than 1 – 3.
5.Like track 4, but much more melodic. There is a banjo thrown in as well.

Track Listing
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