Hikage, Shoko / Koto: Original Compositions
Album: Koto: Original Compositions   Collection:World
Artist:Hikage, Shoko   Added:Nov 2002

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-03-31 Pull Date: 2003-06-02 Charts: Reggae/World
Week Ending: Jun 1 May 11 May 4 Apr 27 Apr 13
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 08, 2009: The Professor Barnaby J. Finkerton Variety Hour -- Music of Classical Japan
Hana: Koto
4. May 02, 2003: Memory Select
Untitled (Zukkoke)
2. May 26, 2003: Oh Messy Life
Untitled (Zukkoke)
5. Apr 27, 2003: Oh Messy Life
Chi: Part 1
3. May 04, 2003: Oh Messy Life
Hana: Koto
6. Apr 26, 2003: Morning Glory
Untitled (Zukkoke)

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-04-10
Koto: 13-stringed Japanese long zither, played w/ fingerpicks. Original compositions from Hawaii-based (en route from Japan) Hikage. Pleasant, meditative music, though with foreboding overtones. Good for soundbeds.
1. constant fast strumming, somewhat monotonous.
2. Drum intro,
*3. constant strumming, fast flamenco-like rhythm midway.
4. occassional quiet notes punctuate silence.
5. Slow, steady rhythm, deeper tones.
6. March, slow, and steady, nice melody on top.
*7. Harp-like sound, whirling rhythm
8. Deep single tone, drum, ethereal notes midway
9. Mid-tempo, mid-tone, happy, deeper sound
10. Sometimes foreboding, single deep tones interchange with whirly melody from 7.
11. Distant drum, moaning, insistent strumming
*12. Very pretty, harp-like, contemplative, magical.
13. Hesitant tones, slow
14. Strumming, ethereal, meaningful pauses.
15. Drum solo, starts slowly, then builds. Speech in frantic, kind of angry Japanese. Whoa.

Track Listing
1. Untitled (Zukkoke)   8. Voice of Earth
2. Hana: Introduction   9. The Sun
3. Hana: Koto   10. Let's Dance
4. Whispering in Woods   11. 11. Isana
5. Strolling of An Elephant   12. Chi: Part 1
6. March of Insects   13. Chi: Part 2
7. Fairy Dance   14. Chi: Part 3
  15. Omake