Various Artists / Denver Dark Arts Festi
Album: Denver Dark Arts Festi   Collection:Deep Storage 200704
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Dec 2002
Label:Dark Arts  

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 27, 2006: Municipal Waste
Watchers of Disaster

Album Review
Orges Beqiri
Reviewed 2003-04-09
Following the Littleton, Colorado shootings, the goth scene supporters in that state decided to put together a day-long festival to showcase the talents and art-forms of all local gothic artists, be they musicians, painters, fashion designers, what have you. This is the soundtrack to that event. I don’t know what else to say. Just a bunch of goth, industrial, techno/electronica, generally “dark” bands playing their music.
Recommended Tracks:
2. The vocals stand out, and it has a nice melody, kinda catchy, kinda...
4. Excellent sample to open up the song (“How would you like the end of this rifle up your ass?”) The rest of the song is just a slow, trance-y beat done on a synthesizer with distorted-as-fuck vocals and more samples. A little fun.
7. Nice beat, good vocals, solid foundation, haunting bridge, but still nothing to run over your grandma for.
9. More catchy, more haunting, more dark, this sounds like death metal at times. Sweet!
10. Better than most all on this CD, solid little piano throughout the song with mournful female vox. I’m a sucker for shit like this.

Nothing too special or groundbreaking.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Reynaldo Alvarado Mind Worms
2. Pure Drama The Time You've Spent
3. Solitary Sinners My Shame
4. Project 12:01 Cleo Kisses Caesar
5. In Ether Watchers of Disaster
6. Caustic Soul Eryx
7. Siren Project, the Shelter
8. Machinegun Symphony Hard Wired
9. Erotic Delicate
10. Dark Orchid Painter