Pale Horse and Rider / These Are the New Good Times
Album: These Are the New Good Times   Collection:General
Artist:Pale Horse and Rider   Added:Mar 2003
Label:Darla Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-06-16 Pull Date: 2003-08-18
Week Ending: Aug 3 Jul 20 Jul 13 Jun 29
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 30, 2003: press and release
I Told Jesus Christ How Much
3. Jul 09, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
Will We Blessed Someday
2. Jul 16, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
Jersey Coast Line
4. Jun 25, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
Jersey Coast Line

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-05-19
Recorded by and with a few tracks of playing from Alan Sparhawk of Low, Jon DeRosa gives us this album of sad acoustic coffee shop songs. With some touching songs here and there, the album falls into too many traps, especially throughout the middle of the album. Jon DeRosa’s voice takes the small part about Low that I don’t like and let’s it dominate. It’s that affected singer-songwriter voice that undesirably crescendos and decrescendos too often within a single syllable, made especially worse with pop melodies and cadences. Nevertheless, there are some nice, quaint, sad numbers that I do like and that others will definitely appreciate more. 1, 3, 4, 11.

1. sad acoustic and voice, with banjo and some harmonium.
2. steady acoustic. don’t like “i told jesus christ how much i lover her.”
3. arpeggiated acoustic with banjo. definite church music feel.
4. beautiful slow sad song with piano.
5. strummed acoustic with open strings. not great.
6. fast strumming with droning harmonium. not great.
7. sad pensive. The melody is too pop and affected for me.
8. country story telling feel. better.
9. sparse acoustic with pretty melody and violin and bells.
10. same as 9 with prominent harmonium and backing vocals.
11. slow country swing with brief 3/4 percussion section

Track Listing
1. Jersey Coast Line   7. Aura Lee
2. I Told Jesus Christ How Much   8. Coney Island
3. Will We Blessed Someday   9. Matropolitan Love Song
4. Sunday Matinee   10. I Came Here Every Night
5. Stars   11. The Prettiest Girl I've Seen
6. Past Life   .