Bloodthirsty Lovers, the / Bloodthirsty Lovers, the
Album: Bloodthirsty Lovers, the   Collection:General
Artist:Bloodthirsty Lovers, the   Added:May 2003
Label:Frenchkiss Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-07-14 Pull Date: 2003-09-15
Week Ending: Aug 31 Aug 24 Aug 17 Aug 10 Aug 3 Jul 27 Jul 20
Airplays: 1 1 2 2 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 06, 2006: Tune In & Find Out
Take the Time
4. Aug 25, 2003: Dollar Bin
Take the Time
2. Oct 20, 2005: Trip Over Dollar
Take the Time
5. Aug 21, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Take the Time
3. Dec 06, 2004: Dollar Bin
Take the Time
6. Aug 14, 2003: Civil Society
Take the Time

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-06-12
Sweet, fetching indie rock. Good tunes, relatively tight playing, the singer has a charmingly thin voice, the bassist can lay down a funky line. What's not to like?

1. Little instrumental that sounds like it was made from a stretched tape or a warped record; gentle rhythm, sharply distorted guitar
2. A happy 60s psychedelic rock feel
3. Cool bass rumble
4. Along the same lines as track 2 - big hook-laden tune
5. Slow
6. Sampled, looped break
7. Slick, funky tune
8. "Fucking"; gooey, slo-mo, dreamy pop
9. If the Beach Boys were indie rockers, they might produce this
10. A dirty guitar noise gives way to a slamming rocker
11. A pleasant instrumental loop - nice to swirl around in the head

Track Listing
1. Telepathic   7. TRANSGRESSION#9
2. Turning the World Upside Don   8. Sonic Letter to Sarah Jean
3. Hardcore   9. Take the Time
4. 2000 Light Yrs From Home   10. 1000 Light Years From Home
5. Call Off the Thugs   11. Waking Up in a Good Place
6. Datapunk   .