Beans / Inner Cosmosis
Album: Inner Cosmosis   Collection:General
Artist:Beans   Added:May 2003
Label:Foreverbad Media Ranch  

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 31, 2015: Breakaway Bluff

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-06-12
I was worried about two things when I saw the cover of the CD: that the title was a navel-gazing phrase such as "inner cosmosis" and that the band saw fit to specify the duration of the CD on the front - 63 minutes, 19 seconds. Those two things to me spelled narcosis (not cosmosis) (or perhaps, illicit drugs). Sure enough, what you have here is dream-pop that is not nearly as effective as, say, Füxa or Windy & Carl. And the song titles! Oh my god, by the 7-minute mark of the second track (about a third of the way through the album), all I could think was that they'd been strumming the same damned chord for nearly 20 minutes. Still, let me not deter anyone to whom this seems like a good way to entertain (or annoy) listeners.

1. Avoid except to fill dead air if nothing else is at hand
2. That goes double for this one
3. The infernal strumming has ceased; now it's just druggy drift and sleepy vocals
4. Here we encounter some actual dynamics - different drumbeats from one measure to the next, some chiming guitars, some muscle in the bass
5. Well, the previous track wasn't so bad - call this a mellower take on it - and move along
6. Guitar and organ drone with feedback; sweet relief!
7. The fucking gall! A track consisting of ten seconds of (scattered, mild) applause, followed by a "Thanks." No, no, NO, NO THANKS to you for wasting 63'19" of my life!

Track Listing
1. Moon   5. All Suns
2. Earth   6. All Worlds
3. All Planets   7. Absolute
4. Sun   .