Wal / Law & Disorder
Album: Law & Disorder   Collection:General
Artist:Wal   Added:Jan 2004
Label:Unit Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-04-05 Pull Date: 2004-06-07 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: May 16 May 9 May 2 Apr 25 Apr 11
Airplays: 2 1 1 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 14, 2004: Brownian Sports Sub
The Force of Will
4. Apr 28, 2004: Brownian Motion
The Force of Will
2. May 11, 2004: The Digital/Analog War
The Force of Will
5. Apr 21, 2004: Brownian Motion
The Force of Will
3. May 05, 2004: Brownian Release
Ultrasonic Targeting
6. Apr 21, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Presbyterian Barbecue

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2004-03-25
From Switzerland, recorded live in 2002, this is some seriously excellent experimental noise, avante compositions. Upright bass, turntablism, electronics and “substructural noises”. Vocal manipulation, cool heady stuff. All great.

1) ? strange, vocs, mish mash
2) beautiful drone with tone bursts, samples etc., evolves to rhythmic near electro thing then to a spastic amalgam of voices etc
3) tribal chant, drum at first, kick ass bowed bass midway
4) quiet start, slow evolution, voice manipulation, dramatic, fucking epic, cool beat evolves midway w/ “vocs”
5) heavy voice manip, harsh noises, upright bass, grows dark, heavy
6) beautiful drone builds into sexy noisy rhythm, tribal vocs, noisy
7) vocal sample heavy

Track Listing
1. Good Morning Nightmare   5. Ultrasonic Targeting
2. The Force of Will   6. Presbyterian Barbecue
3. Papa Legba   7. The Cereal Box Conspiracy
4. Pequod   .