Music Media for Education / Democratic Primary 2004
Album: Democratic Primary 2004   Collection:General
Artist:Music Media for Education   Added:Jan 2004
Label:<No Label Info>  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-01-26 Pull Date: 2004-03-29
Week Ending: Mar 28 Mar 21 Feb 29 Feb 22 Feb 8 Feb 1
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 1 6

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 05, 2005: Brownian Motion
Register and Vote
4. Mar 17, 2004: Browninan Motion
John Kerry
2. Mar 26, 2004: Discarded, Recycled, and New
John Kerry
5. Feb 26, 2004: These Holes Three
Register and Vote
3. Mar 23, 2004: Discarded, Recycled, and New
John Kerry
6. Feb 19, 2004: Discarded, Recycled, and New
Dennis Kucinich

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2004-01-21
This is terrible. Absolutely “bad ass mo-fo award” material. But its also along the lines of the recent brilliant American Song Poem Anthologies, in that the songs are so bad that they are strangely good. Plus the songs are timely as hell: this is released by some sort of self appointed “educational” organization, trying to heighten awareness of the upcoming democratic primaries, presidential race, by releasing a cd full of songs, each one dedicated to a different democratic candidate (um, excuse me, but wheres Al Sharpton?). The lyrics are in that “song poem” style, not flowing and only vaguely rhyming, hilarious. Coupled with occasional out of key singing this stuff had me literally grabbing my side with laughter. Most of it is cheesy acoustic guitar singer/songwriter style but they try to be “hip” with painful attempts at even “hip hop”. Sheesh…. Yes, this is actually too bad for even the bad-ass mo-fo pile. It belongs on the afile. Caution: I swear this is terrible. Play as pure irony, hilarity; especially if you want a phone call or two. Check the track by which candidate/issue you want and cross reference the below description of music style for “fit”. All songs great.

1) “hip hop” soul, ha, an overview of all the candidates
2) guitar, sing songwriter style
3) soulful acoustic guit, out of key fem vocs
4) oh jesus, more acous guit, sensitive male vocs
5) oh Christ, fem vocs, piano ballad
6) uh oh, were alternative rockin’ now!
7) smooth funky 70’s pop, off key fem vocs
8) Register and Vote! “world” feel, some kalimba, phony middle easternisms, fem vocs, oh jesus…
9) male acoustic guitar singer songwriter, simplistic generalizations abound

Track Listing
1. Democratic Canidates   5. John Edwards
2. Joe Liberman   6. Dennis Kucinich
3. Howard Dean   7. John Kerry
4. Wesley Clark   8. Register and Vote
  9. Elephants and Donkeys