Conference Call / Spirals
Album: Spirals   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Conference Call   Added:Jan 2004
Label:482 Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-02-09 Pull Date: 2004-04-12 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Apr 11 Mar 21 Mar 7 Feb 15
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 25, 2005: Umami Jazz Program
4. Mar 05, 2004: Memory Select
2. Apr 06, 2004: Umami Jazz Program
No Hazmats
5. Feb 13, 2004: Memory Select
3. Mar 19, 2004: Memory Select
6. Feb 12, 2004: The Umami Challenge

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2004-02-08
Bebop-derived jazz with lots of free ideas, a live album with extended solos. Combines lush piano, frequently aggressive sax, and some really nice bass solos. Mostly accessible sound that delves into some avant-garde kind of territory (see #2).

The band consists of German sax player Gebhard Ullman with the U.S. team of Joe Fonda (bass) and Michael Jefry Stevens (piano). It's been a good working group for a few years now, albeit with different drummers, and the boost to their intercommunication really shows.

See also "Ullman, Gebhard," where you'll find the first Conference Call CD.

1- Mid/slow with insistent drums... mostly gentle with a burning, choppy sax solo

2- Expansive feeling fast-bop with a slow, exploratory intro. Compare with the studio version (in the library under "Ullmann"), which was more of a straight fast-jazz piece... at one point around -5:00, they play the theme this way.

3- Slow, romantic, '50s-restaurant kind of feel.

4/5 - Protest song! A spoken intro about Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz, followed by band members screaming; then fast, choppy music. Segues into 6.

6- Slow and serious. Near-classical feel.

7- Fast with stumbling theme, after quiet start

Track Listing
1. Comeuppance   5. Three
2. Dreierlei   6. Translucent Tones
3. Little Pete's Diner   7. No Hazmats
4. Announcement   .