Humphrey, Annie / Edge of America
Album: Edge of America   Collection:General
Artist:Humphrey, Annie   Added:Feb 2004
Label:Makoche Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-03-15 Pull Date: 2004-05-17
Week Ending: May 2 Apr 11
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 26, 2004: Women Who Rock
Mother's Rain
2. Apr 05, 2004: Women Who Rock
Mother's Rain

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-04-07
Annie Humphrey has a good, rich voice and is very skilled with the acoustic guitar. Her songs are strong but not overpowering. The lyrics are kind of a drawback– politically oriented but pretty silly. I’m all for rebellious or politically critical music, but not when it is anti-American just for the sake of being anti-American. Anyway, if you like Tracy Chapman, Jewel, Melissa Etheridge, or any other female folk rock singers, I’d recommend her.

1) Edge of America– pretty disappointing for a title song; song is slow and kind of silly; nice guitar solos though 2) Precious Moon Daughter– weird, ethereal, echoing singing at the beginning; pretty song, becomes rapidly-paced and yet mellow 3) Doin’ Time– strong vocals with less instrumental accompaniment; makes me think of a combination of Jewel and Tracy Chapman; simple and pretty 4) They Found Her– nice, strong vocals with good guitar solos; dark tune that moves pretty quickly; kind of cool chorus 5) Lakin’s Flame– decent song, kind of dull, but with pretty good guitar solos 6) Nightmares and the American Dream– pretty, sad, slow song; I’d like it a lot if not for the lyrics 7) Rock Me on the Water– fast, upbeat song; fun with good guitar accompaniment 8) Storm– slow, pretty love song; simple guitar accompaniments 9) Mother’s Rain– sad, dark, slow song about abuse; very pretty and touching 10) I’ll Be There– upbeat, cheery, fast love song; male and female vocalists duet; pretty lush instrumentals 11) So, Comes the Rain– slow, pretty song; nice instrumentals with guitar, violin, and penny whistle 12) Justice Hunters– slow song with simple piano accompaniment; kind of dull

Track Listing
1. Edge of America   7. Rock Me on the Water
2. Precious Moon Daughter   8. Storm
3. Doin' Time   9. Mother's Rain
4. They Found Her   10. I'll Be there
5. Lakin's Flame   11. So, Comes the Rain
6. Nightmares and the American   12. Justice Hunters