Various Artists / Feldmans/Translators
Album: Feldmans/Translators   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Mar 2004
Label:Root Root Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-04-05 Pull Date: 2004-05-10
Week Ending: May 9 Apr 18
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 06, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
2. Apr 11, 2004: Oh Messy Life

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-03-18
The Feldmans/The Translators - Two great local punk rawk groups. I think both are from Redwood City (or at least the Feldmans used to be there). The Feldmans tend to be a little lighter and sillier. The Translators rock a bit harsher. Both are really fun, but watch out for those FCC's. All the Felmdans's tracks can also be found on their album "Fear for the Future." If you're looking for some good old homemade punk rock, look no further.
My Picks: A2 (fcc at end), B2
Katie P. 3/18/04

A1) Fast, loud, and crazy. Fast bass line and loud screaming vocals. Very short. Fcc: says "shit."
A2) Uptempo and fun pop punk. Cute song like The Queers would do. Ends with a sample that has a bad word. Fcc: says "fuck" in the sample at the end. Can fade out before then and you're fine.
A3) Starts with a voice sample. Nice midtempo punk song with crazy hardcore cookie monster vocals.

B1) Solid midtempo rock song. Slightly distorted vocals. Shorter song with weird lyrics. Fcc: says "fuck."
B2) Midtempo rock with a nice guitar riff. Rough and tough with a bit of an angry feel to it. Some nice guitar solos.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Feldmans, the Dry Heave
2. Feldmans, the Anhedonia
3. Feldmans, the Solus Ipse
4. Translators, the Chia Pet Cemetary
5. Translators, the Giant Robot