China Air / F.O.B Rock Haircut
Album: F.O.B Rock Haircut   Collection:General
Artist:China Air   Added:Jun 2004
Label:Daly City Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-11-01 Pull Date: 2005-01-03
Week Ending: Nov 21 Nov 14 Nov 7
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 17, 2004: Brownian Motion
Lucy Liu
3. Nov 02, 2004: Princess of Euphony
You're Big in Japan
2. Nov 07, 2004: Oh Messy Life
And You Know This...

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2004-10-27
Local pop, pop-punk, electro-rock with silly flare, wink and nod lyrics. One man band: “Eddie Chan-Halen” outta Daly City, yo. Underlying Asian American theme but mostly smart observations and facetious love songs, ironic and bitter despite sugary pop melodies, harmonies and arrangements.

1) FCC
2) simple pop rock, mid paced simple beat and melodies “your big in japan… they only like you cuz youre American”
3) pop punk w/ silly intro and “love song” lyrics
4) car’esque electro pop
5) ska pop flare
6) upbeat electro pop, jilted love song
7) FCC
8) upbeat pop punk
9) song about being in love with Lucy Liu, quick FCC “wreck shit on the spot”

Track Listing
1. And You Know This...   6. Do It to Me
2. You're Big in Japan   7. Bowlcut Blitzkrieg
3. Heaven   8. Life Enhancer
4. Cubial Love   9. Lucy Liu
5. Ranch 99   .