Kling, Kevin / A Fools Paradise
Album: A Fools Paradise   Collection:Spoken Word
Artist:Kling, Kevin   Added:Jun 2004
Label:East Side Digital  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-07-26 Pull Date: 2004-09-26
Week Ending: Sep 26 Sep 19 Sep 5 Aug 29 Aug 15 Aug 8 Aug 1
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 02, 2004: Storytime!--Free For all
Get Out and Vote
4. Sep 14, 2004: Juan 2-3-Show
If Its Morphine
2. Sep 25, 2004: Storytime!
Get Out and Vote
5. Aug 30, 2004: Storytime! -- subbing for PACC
Dad's Trip to Europe
3. Sep 18, 2004: Storytime!
6. Aug 25, 2004: Civil Society
Dad's Trip to Europe

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-07-16
Spoken word, great low-key personal stories with recurring topics such as family, school, and childhood. Told with sly humor, animated and entertaining. NPR material (I think some of it was featured on This American Life). FCC clean.

1. * How the speaker got to be a Nutcracker dancer at his old age. Great story for Xmas play.*
2. Mother’s day story about Xmas travel with his mother as a junior high boy.
3. * Relationship with his father, and how dad traveled to Europe despite having done all his past travel in the Midwest. *
4. * Fear in the school playground, and how and why Earl was smuggled to Canada and back to avoid Vietnam. *
5. * Hmmm.. about his bad baseball team and injuries treated by rubbing hard; abusing one “victim” in camp; and it all connects and concludes in a statement about voting in upcoming election (who is really in charge?).*
6. * When his uncle came to do babysitting, the mission had gone awry as the uncle decided to take him to an experimental performance.*
7. Heartbreaking yet good-spirited (and often funny and uplifting) account of Kevin’s life after both arms were severely hurt in a motorcycle accident.

Track Listing
1. Nutcracker   5. Get Out and Vote
2. Mothers Day   6. Mon Uncle
3. Dad's Trip to Europe   7. If Its Morphine
4. Fear   8. It Must Be August