Rishaug, Alexander / Possible Landscape
Album: Possible Landscape   Collection:General
Artist:Rishaug, Alexander   Added:Aug 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-12-05 Pull Date: 2005-02-06 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jan 16 Dec 12
Airplays: 1 4

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 15, 2005: Anywhere Out of the World
Cross Platform
4. Dec 08, 2004: The Dog and Pony Show
The Mountain Song
2. Dec 10, 2004: Baptism of Solitude
Cross Platform
5. Dec 07, 2004: Storytime! --Sick
The Mountain Song
3. Dec 09, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Room Tone

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-12-06
Norwegian minimalist electronics. No beats or vocals, and slow changes. Reminds me sometimes of Reich, the less-glitchy side of Oval and early computer music. Often pretty and melodic with it’s layered pulsing tones.
1. Higher pitched and layered tones that oscillate and build in loudness. The last two minutes of the track change to darker, lower tones that boarder on a drone and the last minute is silent.
2. This track start very quiet and the tones give a hint to rhythm but still mostly float around. The middle portion of the track gets very quiet. The sounds that come out of the silence for the last part of the track are a little further out and darker.
**3. Sound like he’s playing with a microphone, taping on it to create glitch. Has a Geiger counter sound. Electronics shows up underneath as well as something that sounds like running water. The droning electronics take over. Supposedly the whole record started out with Rishaug playing instruments and doing some field recordings and then he manipulated the sounds on a computer. This is the first track which hints at this process.
4. The beginning reminds of me early computer music. This track is busier with a handful of different sounds layered. Is that the sound of a door opening? A chair squeaking? A lot of these sounds disappear for the last 2 minutes and we are left with quiet tones.
**5. Darker more computer and machinery sounding sounds.
6. Rumbling tones with short bursts of more forceful computer sounds.
7. Starts very quiet then it sounds like someone playing around outside. Quiet glitch created with found sounds? Ends with a minute of near silence.
OK Stuff. -mph

Track Listing
1. The Mountain Song   4. Bual Appearance
2. Or L!   5. Tatlic
3. Cross Platform   6. Room Tone
  7. My Favorite Place