Bright Grey Wing, the / Homecoming
Album: Homecoming   Collection:General
Artist:Bright Grey Wing, the   Added:Feb 2005
Label:Extra Small Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-04-03 Pull Date: 2005-06-05
Week Ending: Apr 10
Airplays: 3

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 08, 2005: The Fifth Column: Music for the Discerning Proletariat
3. Apr 05, 2005: The Panoply
Speeding Motorcycle
2. Apr 07, 2005: The Devil's Collective
People Like Mail

Album Review
the id
Reviewed 2005-03-23
Folk/alt rock with mostly just a jangly guitar and
often off key female vocals. Most song are very short.
I’d recommend 4, 8, 14, 15-16(together)

1. jangly guitars, soft spoken vocals, medium-slow paced
2. medium-fast paced song about welcoming someone back
3. reminds me slightly of The Residents in it’s oddness
4. Rockin but not loud, “burped in my mouth while kissing”
5. off key singing, probably intentional
6. repetitive instrumental, glad it was short
7. medium-paced, sullen
8. likens her lover to a speeding motorcycle, cute love song
9. stops when it seems to be getting started
10. ukelele and guitar accompany vocals, anti Christmas song
11. another that stops when it seems to be getting started
12. sullen and really off key with the singing
13. short song about not wanting to be at a wedding
14. cute song about people liking mail
15. short instrumental
16. fast-paced, upbeat
17. find a penny and make all your wishes on it
Ken(the id)

Track Listing
1. Island   9. For Starters
2. Homecoming   10. National Holiday
3. Audio Video Cardiovascular   11. Romance
4. Finesse   12. Wrong
5. The Right Life   13. Third Wheel
6. Call and Response   14. People Like Mail
7. Braid   15. Procession
8. Speeding Motorcycle   16. Revive
  17. One Basket