Pedestrian / Volume One: Unindian Songs
Album: Volume One: Unindian Songs   Collection:General
Artist:Pedestrian   Added:Feb 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-08-07 Pull Date: 2005-10-09
Week Ending: Oct 2 Aug 21
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 27, 2005: Umami Storytime
Arrest the President
3. Aug 19, 2005: The Dog and Pony Show
Husband Blesses; Wife Does W
2. Aug 20, 2005: On the Warpath
blind dates

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-07-31
Reviewed: 2005-08-01 by Beezher

Stream-of-conscience philosopolitical spoken word over old school sounding drum loops. Pedestrian’s debut album is filled with lots of chaotic words and simple 80’s style hip hop drum loop beats. Pedestrian uses a combination of unrhyming spoken word, chant-singing, and connects this with a lot of sampling to add more texture to the musical background. Song structure is not a given as he often uses musical breaks and throws in samples or singing to keep you wondering how the track will progress further. He uses samples and quotes from other hip-hop songs and recordings to stray from ordered versus and uses samples within context. Just when you think that the rhythm is straightforward, the loop breaks or changes and morphs into a slightly different melody with the same general sound, so the song progresses without falling too far off track. Sounds like a homage to old school hip hop with loaded socio-political and philosophical commentary.
*FCC Clean.

Beezher’s Pics: 6, 8, 11, and 14

1. (0:45) (Intro) Sample of sermon, yelled and not spoken
2. (4:54) Intro has organ and quote, then 80’s beat/rapping style, slow and chill
3. (0:36) (Interlude) Random noise and sample of a recording
4. (3:26) Long drone intro, then into socio-political rant, some breaks, slow and dark
5. (1:33) (Interlude) Sample of a sermon with people singing Hallelujah
6. (2:57) Fun and uplifting beat, but slightly depressing lyrics about a death bed
7. (3:22) Slow and simple, nice hopeful swing beat 2/3rds through, reflective lyrics
8. (3:31) Uplifting busy beat, title reflects lyrical content, fun scratching and choppy horns
9. (1:05) (Interlude) Sample of guitar (banjo?), comments on the History Channel
10. (4:32) Singing/chanting throughout, choppy with many breaks and sounds.
11. (3:36) Symphony strings, keyboard, and flutes layer the beat, lyrics are street reports
12. (4:21) Philosophical lyrics, basic guitar/drum loops, some 80’s style shout outs
13. (2:47) About a girl, spoken word to start with and singing and samples to end with
14. (4:22) Chill beat, social commentary of people in bay area streets, chill horn solo in last 3rd of the track.

Track Listing
1. Choco Indians Were Seen By C   5. "Wampum" Money Was Made of C
2. Quarter-Mile Serpent Was Bui   6. Husband Blesses; Wife Does W
3. Northeast Indians in Birch B   7. Iriquois False Face Masks Cu
4. Hunter Proudly Shows Pelt to   .