Yacht / Mega
Album: Mega   Collection:General
Artist:Yacht   Added:May 2005
Label:Marriage Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-08-07 Pull Date: 2005-10-09
Week Ending: Oct 9 Oct 2 Sep 25 Sep 18 Sep 4 Aug 28 Aug 21 Aug 14
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 03, 2016: does radio suck?
Hot Dog (Iron Cobra Version)
4. Apr 28, 2013: air balloon lane
Totally Stoked (On You)
2. Apr 26, 2016: does radio suck?
Dans Danmark (2006 Version)
5. Jan 29, 2013: A Family Affair
Totally Stoked (On You)
3. Aug 17, 2013: fried egg
Totally Stoked (On You)
6. Jan 25, 2013: FOLKTRONICA
Dans Danmark (2006 Version)

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-08-12
Mix between indie folk and electronica. Heavily treated folk that turns it into electro. With a good dose of weird. Laptop music. RIYL Lucky Dragons, Liquid Cop, Dosh, Odd Nosdam. The CD is not skipping, and your CD player works fine.

1) quick intro ((2)) simple guitar plucking and strumming with lots o' effects. Pretty 3) pleasant melody. with hard bass and fuzzy beats. 4) sounds with buzzes wizzes and harp like strumming. ((5)) Nice little electro ditty. ((6)) Electro ditty this time sung along at times. Cool ending. 7) Mellow keyboard melody 8) Swirling distorted head nodding beats. 9) FCC spoken word interlude 10) Video game like sounds. with harsh beats and voice that is hard to hear. 11) simple keyboard melody that gets treated through time with effects and overwhelmed by bass and a beat. 12) nice little xylophone-like song with other sounds mixed in (short) 13) heavy in the bass with some distorted video game sounds thrown in. 14) Very quiet, crickets chirping. 15) Pretty melody with effects that trip it out some. nice. off key vocals ruin the song for me.

Track Listing
1. Hello! Hello?   8. I Fought with My Friend
2. Totally Stoked (On You)   9. Why Do Trucks? Etc.
3. Hot Dog (Iron Cobra Version)   10. Daydreams with Daffodils
4. Roar (Oops Version)   11. Vacationland Guitaroo
5. I Love a Computer (Anacortes   12. Possesive
6. Dans Danmark (2006 Version)   13. Night Terrors
7. Moot Point   14. O.C. November 2003
  15. Now It Is All Over Like the