Dimbulb / Trip Hammers
Album: Trip Hammers   Collection:General
Artist:Dimbulb   Added:Jul 2005
Label:Anti Music Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-09-11 Pull Date: 2005-11-13
Week Ending: Oct 30 Oct 23 Oct 2 Sep 18
Airplays: 1 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 26, 2005: Brownian Motion
The Speed
4. Sep 26, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
The Speed
2. Oct 19, 2005: Brownian Motion
New Deal
5. Sep 15, 2005: Brown Emergency
New Deal
3. Sep 28, 2005: Brownian Motion
6. Sep 14, 2005: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2005-09-06
Re-release of defunct Ohio band 1993-97 that is altogether stoney, heavy, grungey, swirling and irreverent and at times sounds exactly like Dinosaur Jr. melded seamlessly with Bleach era Nirvana. Just a real good use of Marshalls, Ampegs,, and Ludwigs. Vocals low in the mix, this has little to do with lyricism or ego, just all about the rock.

1) upbeat driving, slight grunge overtone to this heavy rocker
2) stoney garagey feel, sassy duel vocs
3) bassy driving rocker, vocs come in midway, late
4) heavy ass shit, chuggin rocker
5) heavy fast does a shift into stoniness w/ vocs
6) slight swagger, slower and excellent use of reverb and doubled voc tracks, trippy
7) doomy heavy w/ screamy possessed vocs
8) poppier, more Dinosaur but doomy
9) 5 seconds death riff
10) swaggering dooming heavy w/ a melody, vocs come in late
11) long track (13 minutes) followed by 10 minutes of silence then a near medly of “hidden tracks”: driving upbeat yet heavy and dark, turns into a hell noise jam fest, long ass ritardando leading into secondary doom rocker

Track Listing
1. New Deal   8. Strangle
2. Better than this   9. Topless
3. Little Mouth   10. Mode Selector
4. The Speed   11. Cooper
5. Warmers   12. Silver Collar
6. Drown the Sheep   13. Overload
7. Capsule   14. Caught From Behind