With Honor / This Is Our Revenge
Album: This Is Our Revenge   Collection:General
Artist:With Honor   Added:Nov 2005
Label:Victory Records (Hardcore)  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-03-19 Pull Date: 2006-05-21 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Apr 2 Mar 26
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 20, 2019: wig out at denny's
In A Bottle
3. Mar 27, 2006: knifefishhappyhour
Plot Two
2. Jan 31, 2017: satin fever
Plot Two
4. Mar 25, 2006: to heavy for titanium
Like Trumpets

Album Review
Scurvious George
Reviewed 2006-03-10
With Honor This Is Our Revenge Victory Records

Easy/fun listening fast pop emo-punk/pop hardcore. Detected strong notes of A Wilhelm Scream, Good Riddance, fainter lyrical notes of Thursday and Ragnar even tasted a hint of Bad Religion. Upbeat, polished, "we can do it" feel. They have one speed: fast. Rapid fire, clean kick drum. Lyrics are naively honest and vulnerable. About loss of innocence, unhappiness with a boring future, and general emo drama. Some songs give the impression the band just got out of high school...they play their instruments very well for just out of high school. FCC clean.

*1. (2:51) Rallying cry message. Pop-punk.
*2. (2:42) Fast. Hardcore opening. Pop-punk. Halfway thru slows down and altered vox, to dramatic repeated stanza.
3. (2:39) Fast pop hardcore. Halfway music strips down for vox shouts. Slower emo to the end.
4. (0:59) Harder feel.
5. (3:01) Hardcore sound. Last minute slightly slower and emo.
6. (1:33) Harder feel.
7. (2:38) Fast pop-punk.
8. (2:42) Gentle dreamy intro. to fast pop-punk. slows up for group chorus.
9. (1:59) Vaguely political.
10. (3:02)
*11. (2:44) "epic" emo beginning. stripped slow rock beat to "epic" emo group chorus. Quiet 30 sec. ending.

Track Listing
1. Like Trumpets   7. 20 Strong
2. Plot Two   8. You Always Said
3. Elevens   9. A New War
4. Up And Out   10. Small Dreams
5. Closets   11. In A Bottle
6. Bottoms Up   .