Psychic Ills / Dins
Album: Dins   Collection:General
Artist:Psychic Ills   Added:Apr 2006
Label:The Social Registry  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-06-11 Pull Date: 2006-08-13
Week Ending: Aug 6 Jul 23 Jul 16 Jul 2 Jun 25 Jun 18
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 2 6

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 16, 2013: Home Free
I Knew My Name
4. Sep 05, 2008: Radiophonic
I Knew My Name
2. Jun 18, 2009: A2Z
I Knew My Name
5. Aug 01, 2006: Lick my moody guitar show
January Rain
3. Apr 14, 2009: Indie Flavored Kool-Aid
January Rain
6. Jul 19, 2006: Brownian Motion
January Rain

Album Review
Reviewed 2006-06-08
Dark, sparse, psychedelic rock. Lots of reverb. Male vocals. First LP from this NYC based 4-piece. Play with The Gris Gris, 13th Floor Elevators, Singapore Sling, The Mirrors. Many tracks blend into each other. A fantastic record. FCC clean. Start with 2, 4, 6.

1. Sparse instrumental with tribal percussion.
==> 2. Long percussionless jam featuring harmonica. Gains drums and echoey vocals after 2+ minutes.
3. Spacey processed guitars. increasingly loud and threatening.
==> 4. Heavy beat, heavily psychedelic. Unrelenting and ultra cool.
5. Backwards tracked, feedback guitars plus backwards percussion. Instrumental.
==> 6. Driving, surfy beat. Dark & noisy instrumental to start... and becomes epic psych theme.
7. Very spacey feedback guitars and some screaming synth. Quiet tom-tom percussion section from middle to end.
8. Lush goodbye anthem with minor-key 1-4-5 chord structure and bells. Almost plodding... but too noisy for that. Ultra-echoey vox.

Track Listing
1. East   5. Inauration
2. Electric Life   6. I Knew My Name
3. Untitled   7. Witchcraft Breaker
4. January Rain   8. Another Day Another Night