Mutation / Beatles
Album: Beatles   Collection:General
Artist:Mutation   Added:Apr 2006
Label:Sacred Cowboy  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-04-23 Pull Date: 2006-06-25 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 25 Jun 18 May 21 May 14 May 7 Apr 30
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 05, 2007: Gavin will be back
Norwogian Weed
4. May 18, 2006: New Music
2. Jun 23, 2006: Under the Radar
Assault On Pepper
5. May 16, 2006: America's Least Wanted
3. Jun 15, 2006: music->happy
Twisted Shout
6. May 12, 2006: The Lunchbox
Norwogian Weed

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2006-04-19
Beatles songs, worn-out familiar hits dabbled with a bit. This appears to be a mash-up, sample-fest but its not, in fact a lot of its practically just the straight songs dabbled with slightly, say an additional guitar in the left channel of Norwegian Wood, a few edits to Twist and Shout, mashing a couple songs together, this feels more like a Ronco/K-Tel presents TV ad medly, piecing together snippets of greatest hits. Play only if you arent horrified by the idea of listeners tuning in and hearing straight played-to-death beatles songs. Someone needs to tell this guy that if he wants to get sued by the big dogs he better make it worth it.

1) mostly twist and shout, a little too much straight stuff
2) norwiegan wood, same deal
3) a big mashup with a sampled beat from Abbey Road, this one feels pretty mashy in places but still too medly-ish
4) lots of Abbey Road
5) this is more of a re-interpretation, with airy electronics and use of snippets

Track Listing
1. Twisted Shout   4. Love From Abbey Road
2. Norwogian Weed   5. Fabtasia
3. Assault On Pepper   .