Various Artists / Dysrhymia/Rothko
Album: Dysrhymia/Rothko   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Aug 2007
Label:Acerbic Noise Development  

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2008-01-06
Epic, heavy kinda prog rock/”math rock” vs. minimal psychedelic instrumental indie rock. Pretty good stuff.

(((1))) Enlongated, mid-paced instrumental prog-metal without too many of the trappings of that form. Some good interplay which gets better as it goes along but at times too excessive.
(((2))) Slowly building bassy, spacious, floating, sometimes in line with Jessamine.
((((3)))) Hazy, overlayed bits of guitar, electronics. Sounds like it’s ready for take off at anytime. Pretty nice stuff.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Dysrhythmia Earthquake
2. Rothko Tell Your Story To The Winds
3. Rothko Torch