Massacre / Lonely Heart
Album: Lonely Heart   Collection:General
Artist:Massacre   Added:Oct 2007

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-03-09 Pull Date: 2008-05-11
Week Ending: Apr 27 Apr 20 Mar 16
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 25, 2008: Memory Select
3. Mar 11, 2008: Cloudy Girls of Canada
2. Apr 16, 2008: nag champa orangeasm

Album Review
Reviewed 2008-03-10
2/3 of a legendary downtown (NYC), circa 1980 band (the 1/3
not present is Fred Maher, here replaced by This Heat's Charles
Hayward) in live performance in 2003. All of the participants
do various styles of music, from heavily experimental to almost
mainstream, with multiple bands/groups. This is their rock
power trio thing. For the most part, they alternate quiet
introspective interludes with sophisticated riffing with nice
melodies, but not "hooky". Drumming is assertive and Laswell
wisely sticks to a supporting role. Frith plays spectacularly -
muscularly then delicately then back again.
Highly recommended.

*** 1. Rambling "rock" tune; a miniature of the album – quiet,
pretty parts and loud riffage; flows into tk. 2, but feel free to
fade out, as you're already 20 minutes in with this track
*** 2. Slow blues; Frith playing delicately through some FX; 20
seconds of applause at end
*** 3. All-out attack by all three players
*** 4. Long track featuring Laswell's best funk bass, solid
pounding by Hayward, and Frith's axe heroics; some difficult
rhythmic shifts from appx. 12:30 onward; fantastic tune through
its 18 minutes (last 1/2 minute is applause)
*** 5. Quiet, shimmering guitar, followed by some mournful
melodica, as energy waxes and wanes; lovely closer

Track Listing
1. Send   3. In
2. Step   4. Gracias A La Vida
  5. Return