Strings Of Consciousness / Our Moon Is Full
Album: Our Moon Is Full   Collection:General
Artist:Strings Of Consciousness   Added:Oct 2007
Label:Central Control  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-04-20 Pull Date: 2008-06-22
Week Ending: May 11
Airplays: 1

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1. Jul 06, 2017: Clean Copper Radio
2. May 04, 2008: Now's the time
Midnight Moonbeams

Album Review
Professor Barnaby J. Finkerton
Reviewed 2008-04-04
Strings of Consciousness
Our Moon is full

Low-tempo, psychedelic, “sonic poetry”, largely improvised electronic beats with foreground of deep poetic narration. In a way defies genre-typing. Amazing piece, taken on the whole, that uses electronic guitars, trumpets, saxophones, and clarinets to produce the dingy, street-side feel of the city to accompany earthy poetic lyricism. Poetry deals with topics such as murder, sexual frustration, and mythology. Overall mood is subdued, post-apocalyptic musing, a kind of psychedelic relaxedness in the face of desolation.

1. Hip hop beats coalesce around a lonely clarinet, descend to grinding noises. Male falsetto vocals sing slow psychedelic chorus as the beat wanders in its own realm, at times taking center stage. Low tempo sweeping synth reminiscent of late Pink Floyd mixed or Aphex Twin. FCC: “From the pole into the hole” , verse two, nearly incomprehensible but questionable.
2. Hard guitar, grunge vocals, and later xylophone come together to form dark, driving rhythm. Industrial beat played on what sounds like a 20 gallon barrel or trashcan. Potentially problematic lyrics: “Crystallize it,” reference to crystal meth?
*3. Low raspy male vocal narration over more clarinet, tells story of murder in a melancholic arrangement. Becomes desperate, angry, and tension-filled, as man is drowned intermittently by guitar. 5:45 music and beat take over, low synth with desperate tone. Reminiscent of the theme song for The Sopranos (“Woke Up this Morning” by A3). FCC: “Ass” in third stanza
4. Soft male whisper over surging but subdued guitar, turns to confident but potentially inebriated vocalist who sings disgustedly about a broken love affair. Guitar continues, saxophone arrives to create swank. Emotional plunges coincide with instrumental waves. FCC: “Damned if I can remember”
*5. Contemplative rambling banjo-like instrument communicates with another, a soft, short, and listenable interplay.
*6. Light, airy strings back disquieting male baritone narration, dwelling on the issues of love and blood. Psychedelic lyrical stylings punctuated by vibrating, otherworldly strings and xylophone. All throughout, disparaging, angry narration does not fit with a softer playfulness in the string accompaniment. 7:25 turns to music alone, a calming, island guitar solo set to slightly distorted rock undertone. FCC: “Go to hell” is said quite explicitly around the 6:50 mark.
7. Distorted male bass becomes narrator, telling low, impassioned poetry with ever-present string accompaniment. Talking women in the background, very realistic. Clock ticks and several note xylophone excerpts until guitar at 3:23, which begins progressive and intricate lightly-distorted improvisational sweep.
*8. More clarinet, starting slowly, transitioning to deliberate, low tempo architecture. Acoustic interplay as poetry continues overlaid, multiple voices converge to tell story of the moon.

Track Listing
1. Asphodel   5. While The Sun Burns Out Another Sun
2. Crystallize It   6. Defrost_Oven
3. Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness   7. Midnight Moonbeams
4. Sonic Glimpses   .