Hour Of The Shipwreck / Hour Is Upon Us, The
Album: Hour Is Upon Us, The   Collection:General
Artist:Hour Of The Shipwreck   Added:May 2008

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-10-12 Pull Date: 2008-12-14
Week Ending: Dec 14 Nov 30
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 12, 2008: Rorshach's Dance
Save The World
3. Nov 26, 2008: Sonic Bubble Sub
The Chandelier Suite
2. Nov 27, 2008: A2Z sub
Mt Davidson

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2008-10-03
Gently downcast rock, lightly applied. Hints of Ren-fare prog (Pink Floydian keyboards help in that regard) with a pillowy touch. It's got a heavy-hearted feel, despite the high whispery male vocals. Could have been goth if it rocked harder, but this is more like brooding self-examination music for prog fiends, with that classically epic feel to it. Similarities to Citay abound.

1,2 are notably more intense than others. FCC clean.

1- Gentle mid/fast beat, later gets more soaring and searching
2- Snappy mid/fast beat, some crashing cymbal passages (one in 5/4, even). Hits too many conventional rock buttons for my liking
3- Dreamy, with high, puffy vocals and a hint of disturbance. Builds into big flowery fireworks
4- Soft mystical acoustic riffing, slowish feel. Softly crashing.
5- Quite light-proggy, a nice energy. Includes an instrumental rock-out interlude before a lingering coda
6- Dancing midtempo arpeggios, a nice effect. Even has a bit of a beat.
7- Tense proggy opening, serious mood overall. Dark and brooding near the end.

Track Listing
1. The Chandelier Suite   5. Mt Davidson
2. Save The World   6. Flying
3. My Fantasy   7. Unclouded Eyes
4. Soft Napalm Pillow Dreams   .