Evans, Peter Quartet / Peter Evans Quartet
Album: Peter Evans Quartet   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Evans, Peter Quartet   Added:Aug 2008
Label:Firehouse 12  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-09-07 Pull Date: 2008-11-09 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Nov 9 Sep 28 Sep 21 Sep 14
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 21, 2009: Jena & Gomorrah: A Mostly Unpleasant Listening Experience
4. Sep 19, 2008: Memory Select, early edition
2. Nov 07, 2008: Memory Select
5. Sep 12, 2008: Memory Select
3. Sep 26, 2008: Memory Select
Bodies And Souls

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2008-09-05
Free jazz, bright and upbeat, featuring Evans' rapid-fire trumpeting and some raucous guitar for extra attitude. A nice attack that doesn't lose its jazz roots -- tracks 2 and 5, in fact, apparently use the chords of standards, with different melody and of course hyper-mutant soloing. Good, hard-charging stuff. (And check out Evans' killer solos with the band Mostly Other People Do The Killing.)

Peter Evans -- trumpet
Brandon Seabrook -- guitar, electronics
Tom Blancarte -- bass
Kevin Shea -- drums

1- (4:32) Nice blasting intro, great fast trumpet soloing.
2- (16:55) Abstract improv, starts slow but picks up steam. After 7 minutes, "Body & Soul" pops up, with crazed trumpet and off-kilter guitar chording, and its straight free jazz from there.
3- Thirteen seconds, cuts off abruptly.
4- (8:40) Upbeat, with a quick start. Gets pretty crazy/noisy.
5- (14:57) Slower pace but still a great free-jazz workout with lots of guitar noodling. Breezy straight-jazz intro, into a nice free-jazz flow that's fast but stays breezy (guitar helps with that effect). Spacey guitar solo midway (a nice entry/exit point).
6- (0:43) Fast trumpet, standards-like guitar.
7- (8:28) Rumbling, scattered, lots of intersecting ideas. Feels mid/fast although there's no real beat. Cooldown ending.

Track Listing
1. !!!!!   4. Tag
2. Bodies And Souls   5. Frank Sinatra
3. How Long   6. Iris
  7. The 3/4 Tune