Dead Heart Bloom / Oh Mercy
Album: Oh Mercy   Collection:General
Artist:Dead Heart Bloom   Added:Oct 2008
Label:Kei Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-12-14 Pull Date: 2009-02-15
Week Ending: Feb 15 Feb 1 Jan 25 Jan 18 Jan 11 Dec 21
Airplays: 1 1 1 3 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 30, 2017: Brownian Motion
Blues 3
4. Jan 23, 2009: orangeasm
Love Like Lies
2. Feb 11, 2009: Hand Wash in Coleslaw
There Is No Mercy
5. Jan 17, 2009: Lost and Found
There Is No Mercy
3. Jan 28, 2009: Brownian Motion
Love Like Lies
6. Jan 14, 2009: Brownian Motion
Blues 3

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2008-12-09
Heavy swampy smarmy take no prisoners blues rock that dares to veer into dramatic territory on the last track of this 5 song EP. Definitely not your run of the mill “blue rock lo-fi”type outfit, some depth to this. Choose your track as to what depth you want to delve in. Great stuff, will fit with pop, grind, slop, weird, any type of show on kzsu.

1) heavy swampy bluesy dirty and down!
2) slow smarmy low and dirty and distorted, a love song?
To a whore? A wife? An abuser? Whats the difference….
3) sorta upbeat and bouncy, kinda barroom blues but as long as the bar is the mens toilet at Antonios Nuthouse
4) upbeat rocking with a strange sorta yacht rock middle, well not exactly, but it sure comes out of left field with a sax, great for the sure contrast!
5) strange high drama waltzy, sorta religious feel and theme, orchestrated with pianos and trumpet, titled “hymn

Track Listing
1. Love Like Lies   4. There Is No Mercy
2. Blues 3   5. Hymn
3. I'm Going To Meet Jesus   .