Yes Please / For Now, For Then, For Them
Album: For Now, For Then, For Them   Collection:General
Artist:Yes Please   Added:Mar 2009
Label:Bicycle Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-04-12 Pull Date: 2009-06-14
Week Ending: Jun 14 Jun 7 May 31 May 24 Apr 26
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 09, 2009: tomayto & tomahto
Flying Violently
4. May 19, 2009: tomayto and tomahto
2. May 31, 2009: in the groove
Yes For Now
5. Apr 22, 2009: KZSU's Heartbleeps
Buddy Friend
3. May 26, 2009: Tomayto and Tomahto
Yes For Now

Album Review
Rafe McBride
Reviewed 2009-04-07
Female singer-songwriter out of Oakland with a great voice, playing a blend of indie-folk and indie-pop. Definitely a varied sound on the album, sometimes sounding a little like Cat Power other times, Kimya Dawson.

**FCCs Track 7 & 11**

1) Delicate vocals over simple folky finger-picked guitar in a playful style that reminds me a little of Kimya Dawson
2) Acapella style
**3) Nice dense sound, with guitars, orchestral backings, drums, and layered vocals
*4) Dark Bluesy guitar and vocals, sounds a lot like Cat Power.
**5) Darker vocals over finger picked nylon string guitars
6) Random noises that slowly evolve into loose song
7) FCC
*8) Dreamy sound with nicely layered guitars, cello comes in later
9) Lighter/ more playful sound, some buddhist throat singers and handclaps towards the end.
10) Acapella
11) FCC Bullshit? More of a bouncy Indie-pop sound

Track Listing
1. Loveprobe   7. Cemetary
2. Still Beating   8. Ready Go
3. Yes For Now   9. Buddy Friend
4. Doubt   10. Shed All Over
5. Flying Violently   11. Smoothie
6. Guarden   .