Golden Holy / Golden Holy
Album: Golden Holy   Collection:General
Artist:Golden Holy   Added:Apr 2009
Label:Magic Bullet Media  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-02-14 Pull Date: 2010-04-18
Week Ending: Mar 14
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 07, 2010: Will My Pony Recognize My Voice In Hell?
Yes Feels

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-02-03
Golden Holy- Golden Holy

Looking at the album art will probably give you a better idea of what this sounds like than a review ever could; this is probably the definitive indie-kids-who-like-art-and-photography-and-nature sound, and as the liner notes tell me, Golden Holy is a group of exactly that type of indie kids who went from LA to Brooklyn to Portland before sharing what they reaped from their travels via this album. They all like scarves, there is a girl in the band, and every non-girl member has a beard or consciously tries as hard as possible to look like Bob Dylan. Here are some of their biggest fans on myspace: [see print review]

Lack of frowny faces indicates song was not actively unpleasant

1- (4:11) Constipated Gunther vocals until girls in the background start screaming. Someone who has listened to illinois at least 8 or 9 times comes in on the synthesizer before the band busts out the accordian
:( 2- (6:14) Lyrics penned by a Markov machine reading the Moon and Antarctica, the most indie backing vocals you ever heard (these guys could play outside lands), and the song never ends
:(:( 3- (4:47) Xylophone or similar instrument introduces whispery vocals before backing vocals take over. Rhymes sound like the band went through packrat third grade shit in a bid to get some of that 9 year old innocence cred
4- (3:11) This is the sigur ros track
:(:(:( 5- (4:35) This is the arcade fire track featuring more plagiarism than coldplay
:(:( 6- (4:26) This is for the scene where the well-intentioned white boy accidentally takes drugs in a foreign country
:(:(:(:(:( 7- (6:07) Anthem for rowdy 9th graders featuring reprieve for the wounded at 4:10, also the reprieve makes you die
:(:(:( 8- (3:57) First 0:45 is totally acceptable santa claus and the elves music, but after that the band decided that every track other than the sigur ros track should probably be appropriate for a dance party. Gunther appearance at 1:25 does not save the day
9- (4:21) This is worse than losing your virginity over chick-fil-a

Track Listing
1. Stop Telling Ghost Stories   6. A Whale's Tooth
2. Above The Ground   7. The Return Of Land
3. Maybe The Books Were Wrong   8. Sleeping Thieves
4. My Old Man's Copper   9. Yes Feels
5. Sons Of Dreams   .