Vile, Kurt / Childish Prodigy
Album: Childish Prodigy   Collection:General
Artist:Vile, Kurt   Added:Oct 2009
Label:Matador Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-11-08 Pull Date: 2010-01-10
Week Ending: Jan 10 Dec 27 Dec 20 Dec 13 Dec 6 Nov 29 Nov 15
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 4 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 07, 2013: Home Free
4. Aug 16, 2011: meow
He's Alright
2. Nov 30, 2012: Daydream Disaster
Overnite Religion
5. Feb 10, 2011: Daydream Disaster
3. May 23, 2012: Seize the Sounds
Overnite Religion
6. Nov 16, 2010: Daydream Disaster
Heart Attack

Album Review
trainee Ryan Kailath
Reviewed 2009-11-14
Very noisy, lo-fi, often drone-based country/blues-tinged pop songs. Tons of reverb, delay, feedback and tape hiss over chugging blues riffs or folk fingerpicking. KV's Matador debut is the most accessible of his many recordings to date, and for my money the best. Different songs have very different vibes, so check out a few. RIYD: Girls, Wavves, Ariel Pink, Times New Viking.

01.** Pounding noisy blues
02. Noisy dreamscape w/ reverb fingerpicking over the top. Similar vibe to 5 and 7 but not as catchy.
03. Seems like every KV album has a track with this head-bob rhythm guitar (see: "Deep Sea," "My Best Friends"). It works
04.*** 7 mins long. Steam train drumbeat behind gobs of noise, Springsteen yelps and whistles. FCC: "shit" but you can barely make it out.
05.*** Mellower, hypnotic fingerpicking lick w/ decent amount of noise/hiss and muddy vocals.
06. Keyboards, more standard pop structure/chord changes than the rest.
07. ** Similar vibe to 5: slow steady fingerpicking. Less noise/hiss, more delay and reverb, clearer vocals.
08. Quieter tone w/ a shuffle beat.
09. Slow, pounding beat with reverb harmonica. Heavy, distorted Julian Casablancas-style vocals in the back of the mix.
10. Mid-tempo, cleaner ballad. Clear vocals.
11.** 3-min instrumental of the beat from track 4.

Track Listing
1. Hunchback   7. Heart Attack
2. Dead Alive   8. Amplifier
3. Overnite Religion   9. Inside Lookin' Out
4. Freak Train   10. He's Alright
5. Blackberry Song   11. Goodbye, Freaks
6. Monkey   .