Eloine / Short Community
Album: Short Community   Collection:Classical
Artist:Eloine   Added:Sep 2010
Label:Digitalis Industries  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-01-16 Pull Date: 2011-03-20 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 13 Jan 30
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
Dangling Filaments
3. Jan 25, 2011: Ghost Trees
Bonanza Illusion
2. Jan 27, 2011: Orangeasm - Brick's on time-out
Bonanza Illusion

Album Review
Claire Woodard
Reviewed 2011-01-05
Experimental with a capital E. Lots of interesting sounds going on, but definitely not music that could be transcribed as sheet music. Almost more like soundscapes than songs, but very other-worldly and cool if you’re into it. All instrumental. No FCCs. Recommended track: 2. Reviewed by Klayr.

1. Starts with running water, then various sounds come in, many of which sound like springs. Some sparing guitar. Dreamy. [16:14]
2. Grating noises + some sort of twangy stringed instrument (harp?), random tinkles and rhythm make the song sound kind of like wind chime. A recorder comes in with melodies after about two minutes. Atmospheric, though gets more intense/dense as the song progresses. [15:41]
3. Very sparse track… no real backbeat/background, just a tinkling (toy piano?) and then deep distorted bell-like sounds. Gets darker/louder at around 11 minutes. Wild and bendy guitar sounds towards the end, then finishes abruptly. [16:07]

Track Listing
1. Dangling Filaments   3. Apples On A Cutting Board
2. Bonanza Illusion   .