Paleo / A View Of The Sky
Album: A View Of The Sky   Collection:General
Artist:Paleo   Added:Oct 2010
Label:Partisan Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-11-14 Pull Date: 2011-01-16
Week Ending: Dec 12 Dec 5 Nov 21
Airplays: 3 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 09, 2010: And Other Useful Bibles
Good Blood
4. Dec 02, 2010: And Other Useful Bibles
From The Sky Down
2. Dec 07, 2010: No Dead Air
Good Blood
5. Nov 18, 2010: Hipster Garbage
You In Your New Winter Coat
3. Dec 07, 2010: Double Daydream Disaster
World's Smallest Violin

Album Review
Andy S
Reviewed 2010-11-15
Lo-fi acoustic folk-pop with vox that could only be indie. What if the Neutral Milk Hotel guy were really, really into Bob Dylan and didn't care who knew? Production-wise, a very similar sound to NMH, with raspier vocals; but everything's generally lighter (well yeah) and twangier. In it's folkier moments it's home-recorded Dylan tribute, in the more indie parts it's Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, but mostly it strikes a happy medium. Start with 6. FCC safe. –Andy

*1 - (4:56) grinds to a start; bouncy Dylanesque ramble with horns and electric guitar on the quick refrains
*2 - (3:02) fun, soulful folk-rock; gets real quiet for a little at about three quarters through
3 - (4:17) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah; wistful pop with catchy little synth and glockenspiel riffs
4 - (2:52) sweet and mellow folk ballad
*5 - (3:02) bouncy indie rock; is that riff from the keyboard cat video?
**6 - (4:33) sinister and weird rock with a striking electric bass part
*7 - (5:21) chill pop with some cool inter-verse electric parts
8 - (3:40) sad indie with electric piano and twangy electric guitars
*9 - (4:19) straightforward, upbeat folk; kind of a much grimier M. Ward
10 - (4:29) soft and whiny indie folk-pop
11 - (2:30) glockenspiel-backed wistful ambler
12 - (2:38) sad pop with lots of little instrumental flourishes
13 - (3:30) mellow but determined ballad, clearer acoustic guitar and piano

Track Listing
1. A View Of The Sky   8. The Deal
2. World's Smallest Violin   9. Man On Man (Why Oh Why)
3. The King James Fakebook   10. The Password
4. Too In Love To Die   11. Everything Must Go
5. From The Sky Down   12. Me And Mabelene
6. Good Blood   13. You In Your New Winter Coat
7. Hello And Behold   .