Murray, Eleanor / Oh Thunder
Album: Oh Thunder   Collection:General
Artist:Murray, Eleanor   Added:Nov 2010
Label:Bicycle Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-02-13 Pull Date: 2011-04-17
Week Ending: Apr 17 Apr 10 Mar 13 Feb 27 Feb 20
Airplays: 2 3 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 10, 2013: Music Casserole
Hush (Smash!)
4. Apr 14, 2011: Double Daydream Disaster
The Whale
2. Jan 17, 2013: The Show with T-Lex & Lolo
5. Apr 08, 2011: The Songsmith Show
Hush (Smash!)
3. Apr 15, 2011: The Songsmith Show
Street To Ride
6. Apr 06, 2011: The Donner Party
Hush (Smash!)

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-02-06
Definitely a singer / songwriter sound, but much more than that going on here. Fiona Apple, Nick Cave, even a slight bit of Captain Beefheart. Nice employment of the violin. Spacey and ethereal, rockin’, pensive, pushing the envelope. No FCC’s. Note: most songs have several seconds of silence at end.

*My Favorites*: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9.

1. (4:26) Slow. Simple chime and picked guitar. Easy vocal delivery. Violin and bass join in. Slow fade out with violin and chime.
2. *(5:13) Slow. Guitar and vocal. The lyric is introspective, hollow, yet hopeful. Band joins in 2/3 through.
3. *(4:10) Slow / Mid. Vocal intro. Then band begins, everything sounding very Fiona Apple-like. Really cool, very French sounding. Violin and pounding, marching drums.
4. (5:43) Slow. Spacey, kind of a Chinese sound with a harp and bell sound. Very sparse in both instrumentation and vocal. Lots of air, like what traveling through space might sound like. Full band towards the end, tempo picks up.
5. *(4;37) Mid / Fast. Almost a Captain Beefheart sound at first. Pretty rockin’ and catchy stuff.
6. (3;15) Slow. Guitar soloing. Instrumental.
7. *(4:29) Slow. Quiet and dreamy with guitar and vocal. Hauntingly beautiful. Almost painful.
8. *(4:40) Slow / Mid. Cool hopscotch tempo, almost an Edie Brickell sound. Gets a bit rockin’ in an acoustic way.
9. *(4:39) Slow / Mid. Another beautiful song, great lyrics, gorgeous guitar.

Track Listing
1. Come Alive   5. Hush (Smash!)
2. The Whale   6. February 17th
3. Scream   7. Careful Broken
4. Trails Of Star   8. Street To Ride
  9. When A Heart Becomes A Heart