Thunderbang! / More Fun
Album: More Fun   Collection:General
Artist:Thunderbang!   Added:Jun 2011
Label:(No Label Information)  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-10-24 Pull Date: 2011-12-26
Week Ending: Oct 30
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 29, 2011: Music Casserole
2. Oct 13, 2011: The Songsmith Show

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-10-12
Out of Queens, NY, these guys are pretty bent, fun, loud, jazzy, and rockin’. Think Dick Panthers with those crazed lyrics and off-the-wall phrasings, and that about approximates them. They’re a 3-piece of guitar, bass and drums with some guest horns and percussion. Some great stuff here. FCC #7.

*My Favorites*: 3, 4, 6.

1. (5:14) Mid / Fast. Loud crunchy guitar, big drums, some screamed vocals. Rockin.
2. (4:23) Mid / Fast. Guitar driven, big backbeat. It’s loud and seems at any moment it’ll kick into overdrive, but never does. Phrases of sparseness,
3. *(4:48) Mid. Vocal and drums to start, then band. Lots of room. Cool horns lend a jazzy mood. Slightly trippy stuff.
4. *(7:22) Mid. Bent jazzy rock, prog, world, what the fuck?? A la Dick Panthers. Trippy change with 4:45 remaining, starts talking about his mustache. Lots of different phrases.
5. (3:44) Mid. Strummed guitar, plodding beat. Somewhat poppy and catchy.
6. *(6:39) Mid. Solo guitar intro, then horn and band. Jazzy groover. Gets jammy with some great horn and guitar work. Cool stuff.
7. (6:04) Mid. FCC.

Track Listing
1. Dead But Too Dumb To Lay Down   5. Julianne
2. Cleaning Up   6. Mcgrath
3. Allison & The Cure   7. Thunderbang! Vs. The Bees
4. Mustache   .