Zito, Mike / Greyhound
Album: Greyhound   Collection:General
Artist:Zito, Mike   Added:Aug 2011
Label:Eclecto Groove Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-08-28 Pull Date: 2011-10-30
Week Ending: Oct 2 Sep 25 Sep 18 Sep 4
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 28, 2014: funk to folk
Show Me The Way
4. Sep 23, 2011: Time Traveler
2. Jan 10, 2014: Funk to Folk
Hello Midnight
5. Sep 16, 2011: Time Traveler
3. Sep 30, 2011: Time Traveler
6. Sep 02, 2011: Time Traveler

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-08-19
Mike Zito has been producing albums since the late ’90’s and finds him here playing some nice rock ‘n’ roll with a bluesy touch. Standard instrumentation of guitar, bass and drums. From the liner notes, Mike’s done some hard living and some of these lyrics may be a reflection of this. Nice production and some good, solid playing. No FCC’s.

*My Favorites*: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.

1. (4:06) Mid. Plodding beat, straight-ahead r’n’r with drums, bass and a bit of guitar soloing.
2. (5:01) Mid. Title track. Kind of a retro rock feel, maybe John Mellencamp. Good beat with some nice guitar work.
3. *(5:44) Mid. Guitar intro, then band. Slight mic effects lending a bluesy feel. Guitar predominates with some nice soloing and strong drumming.
4. (4:15) Mid. A bit sparse and understated with some backing vocals. Cool bass lines.
5. *(4:33) Slow / Mid. Bluesy with a plodding beat and cool guitar effects. Long solo midway through.
6. *(3:55) Slow / Mid. Acoustic slide blues ballad, sparse and quiet. Killer.
7. *(5:32) Mid. Steady drum beat, guitar has an Allman Brothers feel. Mellow, easy-going song.
8. (4:16) Mid. Big drum, distinctive guitar work, rockin’ and bluesy.
9. *(3:52) Mid. Sparse with chopped guitar and really cool drumming. Almost an eerie sound with good vocal delivery.
10. (3:59) Slow / Mid. Laid back ballad type song with some backing vocals, well done.
11. (5:26) Slow. R&B sound, very sparse and quiet ballad with vocal out front. Great guitar soloing.

Track Listing
1. Roll On   7. Stay
2. Greyhound   8. Until The Day I Die
3. Judgment Day   9. Hello Midnight
4. Show Me The Way   10. The Southern Side
5. The Hard Way   11. Please, Please, Please
6. Motel Blues   .