Alfred Bizarro To Be Exactly / One Way Doomsday Trip To Nowhere: The Complete Recordings Of Alfred Bizarro To B

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-01-29 Pull Date: 2012-04-01 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 26 Feb 19 Feb 5
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 20, 2012: Ghost Trees
Looks Thee Upon Those Seeds A Bicycle/ Ca-Coon
3. Feb 03, 2012: Songs: Cantan
Alfred Bizarro Drives To The Rockland Bakery (During A Nuclear War)/ Discarded L
2. Feb 17, 2012: Songs: Cantan
Curious Humming Sound/Ayahuasca/Long-Tailed Lizard Robot Guy/He Is A Vision Man

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2012-01-13
Living room sample- art, noise, electro-noise, noise-rock from the sounds of it. Four track cassette? Incorporation of treated casio type beats, rudimentary synth and electronics and lots of found-sound, hidden mic, hand-held tape recorder looped samples. Most pieces go through lots of shifts and changes, some are jarring and some parts are difficult, but not outright painful (e.g. Jiliat). Cool stuff.

1) (6:31) looped sample-noise, then noisey treated casio beat appears and more looped samples, 2 min in it changes to a strange dark mid paced industrial feel, a few minutes later it slows and incorporates old video game sounds, goes out quiet and dark
2) (7:03) quiet dark plod to start, evolves to some seriously challenging looped noise, disturbing and cool
3) (7:20) starts off with “ice cream” call out sample, then space weird electronoise and more noise collage
4) (2:39) “hidden microphone” conversation sample under plucking and random sounds, noise rock bursts
5) (5:46) meandering noise rock, midway fades out and an upbeat casio noise rock ditty materializes
6) (3:29) off key silly singing (is this Brick?) then even sillier casiotone rhythms and voice pitch change helium sniffing
7) (5:34) a smooth, smarmy casio rhythm and looped word sample leads to a dark and spacey spooky feel, gets noisey and urgent eventually into the end
8) (2:44) pure noise pretty much, slightly rhythmic
9) (3:48) simple low fi living room guitar, a silly joke then some screamy mimi noise onslaught
10) (7:59) mashup of strange bouncy rhythms and creepy noise
11) (3:11) harsh noise to start, becomes a balm, midway lots of fun with a distorted microphone, layering and screaming
12) (4:30) simple silly casio with off key melodies, mellows after 1min, midway a big beat appears, more collage with guitar
13) (7:41) more synth collage

Track Listing
1. Curious Humming Sound/Ayahuasca/Long-Tailed Lizard Robot Guy/He Is A Vision Man   8. Alfred Bizarro Vs. Ed Mcmahon (Epilogue)/ Wart
2. Alfred Bizarro Vs. Ed Mcmahon/ Scottie's Gone Shopping/ Sinala Doesn't Get It/ S   9. Don Henley/ Stinger Appears Between / Communism Or Kids [A]/ Second Piece/ Sting
3. Alfred Bizarro Drives To The Rockland Bakery (During A Nuclear War)/ Discarded L   10. Techno Nashville/ Comet Hale-Bopp/ Rob Thinks This One Would've Been Better If H
4. Bound By Paradigms/ Dairy Section/ Waiting For Chris   11. Excerpt Six (Machete)/ The Love Song Of J. Alfred Bizarro
5. Alfred Bizarro Goes To Store 24 For Some Ice Cream/ Ls This Still A Song?/ At Th   12. One Way Doomsday Trip To Nowhere/ Expensive Cats Don't Boogie, They Just Twitch
6. Looks Thee Upon Those Seeds A Bicycle/ Ca-Coon   13. Lecture/ Autumn In Hillsdale/ Seventh Piece/ Gas For Avalon/ Perfusely Too
7. If They Told You There Was Caramel, They Were Lying/ Third Piece   .