Tanton, Carter / Free Clouds
Album: Free Clouds   Collection:General
Artist:Tanton, Carter   Added:Oct 2011
Label:Western Vinyl  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-11-20 Pull Date: 2012-01-22
Week Ending: Nov 27
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 23, 2011: Brownian Motion
Murderous Joy

Album Review
DJ Andi Pants
Reviewed 2012-01-10
Carter Tanton’s album, Freeclouds, sounds a bit like Belle and Sebastian, featuring primarily male vocals with some female vocal appearances. Most of the vocals are heavy on echo and reverb. No FCC’s in the whole album.
By Andréa Slobodien
1. The vocals use a lot of echo and harmony. The song features acoustic guitar, drum, and bass, to create a bit of a country feel. Time: 4:46
2. This song is heavy on the synth and electric drum machine. The vocals, which again use a lot of echo, are sung primarily by the female vocalist. The male vocalist comes in for the chorus, which is repetitive. The song features synthesized sounding vocals.Time: 4:44
3. This song features a deep bass and easy-going melody. The vocals use a lot of echo. A pleasant guitar melody repeats throughout, and synthesized instruments give the song fullness in the chorus. Utilizes mostly major scales. Time: 4:15
4. Instrumental song – Spanish-style guitar picking with building synthesizers in the background. Time: 1:59
5. The guitar and general mood of the instrumental part of this song remind me of the Stones’ “Wild Horses”, but the singer has a different style. Guitar is folky with some synth in the background. Steady drums keep the songs’ slow pace. Time: 2:40
6. Full of sound. Thumping bass drum and lots of cymbal crash. Male vocals with electric guitar repetitively hitting chords. The song is more indie rock, and the vocals get drowned out at times. Very big ending with more synth. Time: 3:50
7. A repetitive thumping noise repeats throughout the whole song. The song is low-key but upbeat, with an eastern/psychedelic sounding guitar riff repeating throughout. The background is noisy. Later, drum machines, bass, and little melodies enter. Time: 5:12
8. Deep bass and drums in a minor key. A screechy acoustic guitar motif repeats. The melody is somewhat classical sounding, and there is a strong electric kick drum throughout. Time: 4:13
9. Lots of synthesized instruments and echo/reverb contribute to the 80s feel of this song. Vocals are more yelling than singing. The overall sound is very loud. There are synthesized vocals backing up the primary vocals. Time: 2:30
10. Acoustic and pretty vocals. Echo-y and dreamy. Later, drums, rhythm, and a synth organ enter to make the song more upbeat. This is my favorite song on the album. Time: 4:34

Track Listing
1. Murderous Joy   6. Horrorscope
2. Fake Pretend   7. In Knots
3. Cauze Of Song   8. Pasture Sound
4. Nylon   9. Landlines
5. Saturday   10. Pitch Beht Flue