Deep Dark Woods, The / Place I Left Behind, The
Album: Place I Left Behind, The   Collection:General
Artist:Deep Dark Woods, The   Added:Nov 2011
Label:Sugar Hill Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-02-25 Pull Date: 2012-04-28
Week Ending: Apr 22 Apr 15 Mar 25 Mar 11 Mar 4
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 18, 2012: Seize the Sounds
West Side Street
4. Mar 19, 2012: Seize the Night
Sugar Mama
2. Apr 11, 2012: Seize the Sounds
The Place I Left Behind
5. Mar 09, 2012: Time Traveler
West Side Street
3. Mar 23, 2012: Time Traveler
The Place I Left Behind
6. Mar 02, 2012: Time Traveler
The Place I Left Behind

Album Review
Reviewed 2012-02-21
This alternative country album from Canadian band The Deep Dark Woods is filled with beautiful, slow-burning tracks that capitalize on the band’s ability to flawlessly harmonize their voices and meld string sounds together. Key tracks are 1,2,5,6, and 9. No FCCs.

**1) Westside Street (5:07): Slow to start, speeds up at 1:00. Lots of pretty vocal harmonies.
**2) The Place I Left Behind (4:05): slow, brooding track. Reminiscent of solo Springsteen (like Devils & Dust in particular)
3) Mary’s Gone (5:07): slow track with guitar that beautifully complements the song’s sad lyrics
4) Virginia (3:53)- mid-tempo track, lots of vocal harmonies, strings accompany guitar well
**5) Sugar Mama (2:39): mid-tempo with banjo picking, vocal harmonies and pretty lyrics.
**6) The Banks of the Leopold Canal (6:08)- Slow song about saying goodbye; starts with sparse instrumentation, then becomes more and more full as the track progresses.
7) Big City Lights (2:47): slow track with deep drumbeat and repeated lyric, “It’s hard to find a little peace and quiet with these big city lights all around me”
8) Back Alley Blues (4:23): very full, multi-instrument sound. Mid-tempo, compelling guitar
**9) I Just Can’t Lose (5:56): slow, bluesy track.
10) Never Prove False (4:04): slow, dark track with a string-dominated bridge.
11) Dear John (3:40): mid-tempo track, vocalist not the band’s lead vocalist; lead vocalist and a female vocalist take a background harmony role that is one of the great boons of the song
12) The Ballad of Frank Dupree (7:29): Slower track telling the story of a hanging, solos from a variety of instruments.
13) Oh, What a Life (4:29): slow, harmonious ending. Last note played at 4:19 and trails out for ten seconds.

Track Listing
1. West Side Street   7. Big City Lights
2. The Place I Left Behind   8. Back Alley Blues
3. Mary's Gone   9. I Just Can't Lose
4. Virginia   10. Never Prove False
5. Sugar Mama   11. Dear John
6. The Banks Of The Leopold Canal   12. The Ballad Of Frank Dupree
  13. Oh What A Life