Mrs. Clauze & Frankie's Recent airplay
- Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed Day Tomorrow. • Your KZSU Christmas Hosts: • (Mrs. Clauze & Frankie)
- Michael Richard de Lalande (1657 - 1726) • CLOSING VOLUNTARY • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- The Rev. Dr. Joanne Sanders • BENEDICTION • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- John Francis Wade • HYMN • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- The Rev. Dr. Joanne Sanders • PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- Joseph Mohr (lyrics) / Franz Xaver Gruber (melody) • CANDELIGHTING • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- Pat Bennett, (Adapted from Wild Goose Publications, 2013) • PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- The Choral Project, San Jose • ANTHEMS during DISTRIBUTION • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- The Choral Project, San Jose • THE LORD'S PRAYER • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)
- Reginald Heber • HOLY COMMUNION • (Stanford Office for Religious Life)