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Tue Oct 08, 2002 9am - noon 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Bustan Abraham Fanar Fanar / Nada Productions
Abby Rabinovitz Raga Bhairavi We Used to Dance / Yamuna Records
Mark Levy In Der Kuznye Bin Ikh Mir a Shnayderl / Mitzvah Music
Chava Alberstein Leaves Fall Foreign Letters / Rounder Records
Pharaoh's Daughter Hevel Out of the Reeds / Knitting Factory, the
Rahel Jaskow Yom Shabbaton Day of Rest / (Unknown)
Jewlia Eisenberg Meister of Kultur Trilectic / Tzadik Records
David Broza Elements of Love Elements of Love / Nmc Music
Richard Kaplan & Ziegler,M. Bar Chu Tuning the Soul / Four Gates Music
Brave Old World Wailing World Blood Oranges / Red House Records
Etty Ben-Zaken Levantisme, Madre Ladino Love Songs / New Albion Records
the Klezmatics Man in a Hat Klezmer! Jewish Music / Shanachie Entertainment
New Orleans Klezmer Allstars Moroccan Roller Fresh Out the Past / Shanachie Entertainment
Naftule Brandwein Heiser Bulgar King of the Klezmer Clarinet / Rounder Records
Naftule's Dream Oy Tate (Oh Father) Search for the Golden Dreydl / Tzadik Records
Andy Statman Dveykus Nign Klezmer Music / Ellipsis Arts
Kasbek Kasbek Klezmer a La Russe / Inedit
Zohar A Woman of Valour Keter / Knitting Factory, the
Don Byron Voliner Klezmania: Klezmer for / Shanachie Entertainment
Klezmer Conservatory Band Rumania, Rumania Live! (13TH Anniversary Album) / Rounder Records
Za'atar Et Dodim Mizrah / (Unknown)
Yid Vicious A Vicious Bulgar Klez, Kez, Goy Mit Fez / Uvulittle Records
Nitza Shar Chatzi Yovel Israeli Oriental Music / Unknown
Nitza Raya Israeli Oriental Music / Unknown
Richard Horowitz & S. Deyhim Majoun Majoun / Sony Classical
Wally Brill New Wildest Dream Covenant / Island Records (World)