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Mon Jul 09, 2007 6am - 9am 
Antonio VivaldiConcerto In G Major - "Alla Rustica", Rv 151 [Matthias Maute, recorder]Shades Of Red / Bridge Records

BrahmsSonata No. 2 In F Major (1)Two Cello Sonatas / Cbs Records
Tessa Brinckman & East West ContinuoCloven Dreams
Glass Sky / North Pacific Music
Keith Jarrett10
Book Of Ways / Ecm Records

Melinda WagnerConcerto For Flute, Strings And Percussion, Mvt. 2Wagner, Melinda/Poul Ruders / Bridge Records
Justin Dello JoioMusic For Piano Trio -- 4. Epilogue: Prayer For Chiara
Music Of Justin Dello Joio / Bridge Records

The King's SingersFuneral Ikos [John Tavener, composer]Sermons and Devotions / Catalyst/BMG
.-- (7:00 a.m.) --. / .
The King's SingersThe Lamb [John Tavener, composer]Sermons and Devotions / Catalyst/BMG

Patrice Michaels (w/Elizabeth Buccheri, piano)Light Feet [John Harmon, composer]American Songs / Cedille
Patrice Michaels (w/Elizabeth Buccheri, piano)Perineo [Libby Larsen, composer]American Songs / Cedille

Philip Langridge (tenor), Stephen Marchionda (guitar)Six Interiors [Nicholas Maw, composer]Songs for Tenor and Guitar / Chandos

Elliott CarterThree Poems Of Robert FrostVocal Works, The / Bridge Records

Richard NanesRhapsody and Fugato No. 2 (mvmt. 1: Tocatta, Cadenza E Fugato)
Rhapsody & Fugato No. 2 in D-M / Delfon

.-- (8:00 a.m.) --. / .
Darkwood ConsortPrelude [Rebecca Clarke, composer]Tro og Hab Spiller / Rampur
.Interview: Liane Curtis, Rebecca Clarke Society. / .
Clarke, RebeccaUntitled Piece for Viola and PianoViola Sonata, Dumka, [] / Naxos
.Interview: Liane Curtis, Rebecca Clarke Society. / .
Clarke, RebeccaSonata for Viola and PianoViola Sonata, Dumka, [] / Naxos

Polyphonic Spree, TheThe ChampionshipThe Fragile Army / Good