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Fri Jul 27, 2007 9am - noon 
Yale Strom & Hot PstromiKarahod Fun Varshe
Absolutely Complete Introduction To Klezmer, The / Transcontinental Music Publications
Yale Strom & Hot PstromiRumeynish Serba
Absolutely Complete Introduction To Klezmer, The / Transcontinental Music Publications
Israel Hochmans Jewish orchestrathe hassid from Bessarabiacoll: Klezmer Pioneers 1905-1952 / rounder
brave old worldwailing worldcoll: rough guide to klezmer / world music network
DavkaChutzpaniDavka / Interworld Music Assoc.
Sam MedoffThe Bridegroom SpecialKlezmer! Jewish Music / Shanachie Entertainment
dudu fisherJerusalem medleythe best chassidic album in the world / Israel music
London Jewish male choira dudele80 years / arc
Gevatronemek sheliSongs along the way / hed artzi
andy statmanimprovisationawakening from above / shefa
The KlezmaticsWheel Of LifeWonder Wheel / Jewish Music Group
Shibolet/Josephson/Baker/Looney/SmithWhite, Yellow, Red On Yellow
Untitled (1959) / Balance Point Acoustics
Jewlia EisenbergGershom Is SchockedTrilectic / Tzadik Records
amy x neuberg & meninto that holeutechma / racer records
Bob BrozmanTango Medzinarodny
Global Rhythm: July 2007 / Global Rhythm
Benjamin EscorizaTalisman
Aleventa! / World Music Network
irving fields triodavids dancecoll: 2006 Jewish music festival / --
Fortunagive me your strengtha collection of ladino songs / arc
Leonard BernsteinOn the Town 1 & 2st louis symphony / emi
mickey katzcan can kozotskismicha time / capitol
Les Yeux NoirsViensTchorba / World Village
Mandy PatinkinBelzMamaloshen / Nonesuch Records
Leonard Bernsteinon the Town 3st louis symphony / emi
benny goodmanI've got rhythmthe famous 1938 carnegie hall jazz concert / sony
barry sistersmaking whoopiecoll: kosher classica / rca
Richard Kaplan & Ziegler,M.Eli Yah EliTuning the Soul / Four Gates Music
Richard Kaplan & Ziegler,M.Yah RibonTuning the Soul / Four Gates Music
Za'atarNa'ah Mibeit AvihaMizrah / (Unknown)