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Tue Jun 24, 2008 7am - 9am 
The Scotland Yard Gospel ChoirI Never Though I Could Feel This Way For A Boy
Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, The / Bloodshot Records
the BellesNever Said AnythingOmerta' / Lakeshore Records

Crowded HouseEven a ChildTime on Earth / ATO Records
Kirsty MaccollChildren of the RevolutionElectric Landlady / Charisma (Modern)

Wilson, DanAgainst HistoryFree Life / American Recordings
Gay, TheOpulent CanineYou Know The Rules / Mint Records

Gin Blossoms, TheSomeday SoonMajor Lodge Victory / Hybrid Recordings
Candy ButchersYou Belong to Me NowPlay With Your Head / RPM Records

Breakup Society, TheBy a ThreadNobody Likes a Winner / Get Hip Recordings
Pernice Brothers, TheSomervilleLive a Little / Ashmont Records

Rewinds, TheIt's Not the EndThe Rewinds / Livewire Recordings
Lovely, BrianJustaboutasIdon'tknowwhatasIthinkyoucangetSuperimpose / The Beat Parlor

TravisUnder the MoonlightThe Boy With No Name / Independiente
Tilbrook, GlennThis is Where You Ain'tThe Incomplete Glenn Tilbrook / Quixotic London

XtcStupidly HappyWasp Star Apple Venus Vol 2 / Tvt Records
the JayhawksSixteen DownSound of Lies / American (Modern)

Sweet, MatthewWaitKimi Ga Suki * Raifu / RCAM Records
Long Winters, TheShapesWhen I Pretend To Fall / Barsuk Records

MoyerI Feel BadSome Things Go in Circles / Newport Hill Records
L.E.O.Make MeAlpacas Orgling / Cheap Lullaby Records
Fountains of WayneLaser ShowUtopia Parkway / Atlantic Records (Modern)
Shins, ThePhantom LimbWincing the Night Away / Sub Pop Records

Redd KrossGirl GodShow World / Mercury Records
WiretreeDon't Need ItBouldin / Cobaltworks Music Division