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Sat Jan 17, 2009 3pm - 5pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
El Guincho Kalise
Alegranza / Young Turks
Lucky Dube Abathakathi
Retrospective / Rykodisc
Gwigi Wrwebi Nyusamkhaya
London In The Place For Me 2: Calypso & Kwela, Highlife & Jazz From Young Black / Honest Jon's Records
John Brown's Body Zion Triad
Amplify / Easy Star Records
Cartel Televyzion Cartel / .
Cheb Mami Bent Bareh Saida / Tinder Production
Cool D & Stupid F Rutmimaffia Meka Rodeo Europe / Germaican
Culcha Candela Partybus Next Generation / .
The Itals Won't You Come Home/Bump Skank (Feat. Trinity & Dillinger)
In A Dis Ya Time / Vp Records
Genitallica Chiquitita Picas o Platicas / .
Gnawa Diffusion Inaal Ding Dingue Dong Algeria / .
Dennis Brown Give A Helping Hand
Best Of Dennis Brown: The Niney Years, The / Heartbeat
Los Locos del Ritmo Chica Alborogata Los Mejor de... / .
Los Mocosos Wetback . / .
Lyrics Born Bad Dreams Later that Day / .
Macaco Todos Entre Raices y Antenas / .
Malha Funk Vira de Ladinho single / .
Perry, Lee "Scratch" The Game Black
Scratch Came Scratch Saw Scratch Conquered / State Of Emergency Limited
La Brigade Operation Coup de Poing Street Jam 2 / .
Les Boukakes Maina Rai Makach Mouch'kil / .
Little Willie John Leave My Kitten Alone the Best of... / .
Syclops Where's Jason's K
Rapture, The / !K7 Records Usa
Bonde do Tigrao Beijo na Buchecha single / .
Brenton Wood Oogum Boogum Song The Best of... / .