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Mon Nov 02, 2009 6pm - 7pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Paul Simon Diamonds Dub (Tangoterje Remix) - / -
Artur Nunes Tia Angola 70's / Buda Musique
Zizek Lluvia Haitiana Con Cumbia
Zzk Sound Vol. 2 / Nacional Records
Desire Don't Call II / Italians Do It Better
Panthers Goblin City (Holy Ghost! Disco Dub) - / DFA

Lindstrom & Solale Baby I Can't Stop (Aeroplane Remix) - / Feedelity
Clouds Elders Uproot: The Ingredients / The Agriculture
Mambotur Pureto Colomboia - / -
Sonido Martinez Elsa - / -

Mike Slott Knock Knock - / -
J.A. Adofo & City Boys Band Nya Asem Hwe MP3 from Awesome Tapes From Africa / -

Prince Nico Mbarga Sweet Mother - / -