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Fri Dec 11, 2009 3pm - 5pm 
The BalletThe House on FireBear Life /
Ted Leo and the PharmacistsEven Heroes Have to DieThe Brutalist Bricks /
Alan PownallA Life Worth Living (Jakwob Remix)

All Wrong and the Planes ChangeI Get DownI'm Like Whatever /
Kid CudiPursuit of Happiness (Ft. MGMT & Ratatat)Man on the Moon /
Nouvelle VagueMaster and Servant3 /
DeloreanDeliAytron Senna /

Junior BoysIn The Morning
So This Is Goodbye / Domino
Sufjan StevensThe Perpetual Self, Or "What Would Saul Alinsky Do?"Avalanche, The / Asthmatic Kitty
JonsiBoy LilikoiGo /

Glee CastDancing with MyselfGlee: The Music Vol. 1 /