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Mon Jun 06, 2011 6am - 9am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Gerre Hancock Fanfare I Praise the Lord / Argo
Beaux Arts Trio Piano quartet in E flat, op. 47 Schumann: Piano Quartet / Piano Quintet / Philips
Richard Woodhams Oboe concerto Strauss: Heldenleben / Oboe Concerto / EMI

Choir of King's College Finzi: God is gone up Bax / Finzi: Choral Music / EMI
Rodolfus Choir Carol Grier: A Sequence for the Ascension / Herald AV (UK)
Clerkes of Oxenford Gibbons: O clap your hands Gibbons Church Music / Calliope
Cardinall's Musick Viri Galilaei William Byrd: O Sacrum Convivium / Gaudeamus
Gentlemen of the Chappell Monteverdi: Confitebor tibi Venice Preserved / ASV

Logan Skelton Six selected portraits Virgil Thomson: Tede / Frohnmayer / Skelton / et al. / Centaur
Louis Andriessen The Schultz song / Instrumental III / The Eisenstein song De Stijl/M Is For Man, Music, Mozart / Elektra Records (Local)
Ian Partridge Milford: Three songs Finzi and his Friends / Hyperion

Orchestra of St. Luke's Adams: Act I, Scene I, Beginning Nixon in China / Nonesuch
Orchestra of St. Luke's Adams: Landing of the Spirit of '76 Nixon in China / Nonesuch
Dawn Upshaw Adams: This is prophetic The World So Wide / Nonesuch

Martha Argerich Beethoven: Piano concerto no. 1 in C, op. 15 Mozart & Beethoven: Piano Concertos / EMI

Dallas Wind Symphony Weinberger: Polka and fugue from "Schwanda the Bagpiper" Pomp and Pipes / Reference Recordings