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Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:30pm - 10pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
William Basinski Dlp1.1
Disintegration Loops, The / Musex International

En Blood
Blood / Constellation Tatsu
Brian Eno Lux 1
Lux / Warp Records
Komodo Haunts Sky Pulled Patterns
Low Winged, Silken Plumes / Sangoplasmo Records

Kwjaz Frighteous Wane
Kwjaz / Not Not Fun
Goat Goatman
World Music / Rocket Recordings
Strategy Baby Fever
Strategy / Peak Oil
White Hills Eye To Eye
Abstractions And Mutations / Immune Records
Thisquietarmy Lost Crusades
Vessels / Aurora Borealis
Non/Boyd Rice Man Cannot Flatter Fire
Back To Mono / Mute Records
Hammock (Tonight) We Burn Like Stars That Never Die
Departure Songs / Hammock Music