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Fri Nov 11, 2016 midnight - 1am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Watts, Ernie Quartet Velocity
Wheel Of Time / Flying Dolphin Records
Pigeon John Weight Of The World And The Summertime Pool Party / Quannum Projects
Jennylee Boom Boom
Right On! / Rough Trade Records
The Suffers Giver
Suffers, The / Rhyme & Reason
Lubman, Brad: Ensemble Signal Reich: Double Sextet - 1. Fast
Reich: Double Sextet, Radio Rewrite / Harmonia Mundi Usa
Duke Ellington On the Sunny Side of the Str Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Childish Gambino Me And Your Mama Awaken, My Love! /

Jennylee White Devil
Right On! / Rough Trade Records
Childish Gambino Sober Kauai / Glassnote Records
Jerry Fels And The Jerry Fels I Dont Care About You Anymore
I Was Reborn A Unicorn / Nobody's Favorite Records
Catherine Russell Talk To Me, Talk To Me
Harlem On My Mind / Jazz Village
Will Johnson A Thousand Other Parts
Vultures Await / Misra